Dr. Imad Breich

Beautiful posture

Good posture accounts for 80% of success

There are many benefits to straightening your back:

– Self-confidence and attractiveness:
The correct posture makes us look more confident and attractive.

– Increase in height and beauty:
When we keep our back straight, we look taller and slimmer.

– Health and disease prevention:
Good posture prevents back and neck pain, improves breathing and promotes general health.

Correct posture means success and health…

The large number of stooped people around us makes us believe that the advice of parents and doctors to children to straighten their backs does not bring results. We also see that many of them live normally and do not suffer from back pain.
However, this will not last long and one day symptoms of various diseases will appear.

Let’s imagine two people: one of them has a straight back, head raised, eyes open and shoulders proportional. The second is similar to the first, only his back is bent. We would immediately say that the first has a better chance than the second of getting a prestigious job.

A straight back posture gives the body athletic qualities, even with moderately developed muscles.

A bent back can ruin a person’s appearance, no matter how beautiful their facial features may be. Conversely, a straight back posture hides unsightly body defects.

Even in old age, it is difficult to call a person an old man (or old woman) if he has a straight and correct back posture. They look decades younger than their peers, because a straight back is not only a symbol of physical health, but also expresses vitality.

People with a straight back have more self-confidence, always feel an increase in vitality and inner energy, and have a higher ability to concentrate and think clearly than people with a curved back.

To some people this does not seem entirely logical and they will ask themselves:
What does the posture of the back have to do with a person’s energy and thinking?

– The answer is that the spine affects the work of all internal organs and the blood supply to the brain, the expansion of the lungs, the breathing process and the work of the heart, stomach and intestines, and this indirectly affects the secretion of hormones that affect the entire human body, thinking and even the emotional state.

Interesting information

Changing your back position can change the flow of thoughts and even your current mood and attitude towards the world around you.

Posture is the normal position of the back of a person who stands normally without straining the back and abdominal muscles.

Posture is formed in early childhood in the process of growth, education and training. However, this does not mean that posture cannot be changed and corrected in adulthood.

The correct posture for an adult is an upright posture with shoulders lowered to the same height, a straight back without bending, and a flat stomach and chest.

Correct posture allows us to keep muscles and joints in harmony and properly distribute body weight on the bones and joints of the shoulders, body and legs. This prevents many diseases and gives the body beauty and vitality.

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